Case Study
Carbon Storage Site Screening Study
Screening Study of the subsurface and facilities
Lenders’ Subsurface Advisor
Independent Due Diligence for Debt Financing for a Commercial Scale CCS Project
Storage Site Screening Carbon Transport Company
Techno-Economic Study for Pipeline Options
Peer Review of Malaysian CCS Project
Technical Support for Carbon Storage Development
SRMS Review of CCS Portfolio
Independent Storage Resource Estimates to SRMS
Field Development Plan Forecast Revision using Client’s Simulation Output
After restructuring of a joint venture, the production forecasts proposed in the Field Development Plan (“FDP”) for the client’s field were no longer suitable.
Longboat Kertang
Longboat commissioned ERCE to undertake a Competent Person’s Report (CPR) on the Kertang prospect in Block 2A, offshore Sarawak in Eastern Malaysia.
Decision Support for Amulet & Talisman Fields Development (WA-8-L)
Kato Energy plan to develop the Amulet oil field and redevelop the abandoned Talisman oil field concurrently using relocatable facilities known as the ‘honeybee production system’.
Buffalo-10 Well, Carnarvon Petroleum
The Buffalo Oilfield was discovered by BHP in 1996, with first oil in 1999 and production ceased in 2004 after 20.5 MMstb produced. The field is located in the Buffalo PSC.
Evaluation of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia
ERCE has prepared a report summarising the prospectivity of certain exploration permits in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Tendrara TE-5 Horst Gas Discovery Dynamic Model Build
Representing a fractured, carbonate reservoir with a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) produces an intuitively understandable model
Prospectivity Review, Mid North Sea High, Offshore
Independent review of Horizon Energy Partners’ Dabinett Prospect
Reservoir Quality Study
Evaluating the Reservoir Rock Properties of a Geothermal Project
Static Model Build
Onshore North Africa, static model build of complex tidal reservoir environment for dynamic simulation and optimization of reservoir development strategy
Static Model Build
North African, matrix producing limestone oil field required static model for volumetric assessment and use in future dynamic simulation
Fractured Carbonates
Representing a fractured, carbonate reservoir with a Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) produces an intuitively understandable model
Cross Border Fields Development Study
Two giant oil fields that straddle the international border of Iraq and Kuwait and had been developed separately. In 2019, ERCE was appointed to outline the technical and legal mechanisms for the clients to develop and invest in these oilfields.
Fracture Detection and Modelling – DNF & CFM
Identifying fractures from seismic data, calibrating with well data, surface and regional data, and building a fracture model either as Discrete Fracture Model (DFM) or Continuous Fracture Model (CFM)
Regional Basin Exploration
Offshore Falkland Islands, South America. Interpretation of multiple 3D and 2D seismic surveys and well data to understand the basin’s history and tectono-stratigraphy
Sub-Thrust Exploration
Onshore Bolivia. Constructing multiple balanced structural cross-sections based on surface data, seismic, and well data. Estimating prospective resources
Coalbed Methane Evaluation
Onshore United Kingdom, operator required coalbed methane reserve estimation for several blocks within their recently acquired acreage
Conceptual Plan for Redevelopment of Marginal Fields in the South China Sea
Many marginal fields have been discovered in the South China Sea and may become stranded. The recovery of oil prices offers an opportunity to develop these fields.
Static Model Build of Complex Brownfield, Offshore Australia
ERCE built a static model of the Wandoo oil field in offshore north-western Australia to incorporate new infill wells
Geosteering Extended Reach Wells in Thin Oil Columns
Geosteer four new extended reach lateral boreholes within the producing Wandoo oil field, offshore north-western Australia
Resources Evaluation of Dorado Discovery
ERCE was asked by Carnarvon Energy to perform an independent technical review of the Dorado resource following the Dorado-2 appraisal well in 2019
Economic Model Construction and Advisory for the Oil & Gas Company operating in UKNS
Construct an economic model that reflects technical inputs, fiscal terms and cash flows to value the oil & gas asset and assist in analysis and decision-making.
Shale Gas Evaluation
Onshore United Kingdom, operator required a shale gas reserve estimation for several blocks within their recently acquired acreage
Recoverable Resources Sensitivity Analysis
Client determined a range of recoverable volumes by using a dynamic model and applying an ensemble methodology
Prospect Red Flag Review
Our client considered a potential farm-in to a licence block containing 6 prospects.
Vintage 2D Seismic Data Loading for Basin Exploration and Storage Potential
ERCE conducted SEGY data manipulation and loading of hundreds of 2D seismic surveys from multiple vintages into a single seismic interpretation project.
North Sea Late-Life Due Diligence
Valuing Decommissioning Deferral
Electrifying Facilities
Evaluating cost and emission implications of electrification of operations
Reservoir Modelling
Simulation modelling of a Lithium Brine reservoir to understand injection and mixing effects
Hydrogen Storage
Assessing the potential to create salt caverns for hydrogen storage
Electrifying Facilities
Evaluating cost and emission implications of incorporating wind into a project