Our Australasian Experience

Geosteering Extended Reach Wells in Thin Oil Columns
Technical Study

Geosteer four new extended reach lateral boreholes within the producing Wandoo oil field, offshore north-western Australia


Static Model Build of Complex Brownfield, Offshore Australia
Technical Study

ERCE built a static model of the Wandoo oil field in offshore north-western Australia to incorporate new infill wells


Resources Evaluation of Dorado Discovery
Technical Study

ERCE was asked by Carnarvon Energy to perform an independent technical review of the Dorado resource following the Dorado-2 appraisal well in 2019


About Australasia

ERCE is engaged in detailed subsurface, facilities and commercial studies across Australasia. Our work ranges from audits for year-end reporting, M&A studies and technical support.

Our experience encompasses and integrates subsurface, facilities, drilling and PSC terms evaluation, government advisory and commercial aspects. We are able to work both with and within our clients team, often undertaking secondments to provide specialist support.

Our Australasian Team

Abel Thomas-Hy

Reservoir Engineer

Amirah Zakariah

Principal Reservoir Engineer

Marty Kim

Australia Country Manager – Principal Geophysicist

Contact Us

Contact Us

UK Head Office:

ERC Equipoise Limited
6th Floor Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Croydon CR0 6BA
London U.K.

+44 (0) 20 8256 1150

ERC Equipoise Pte Ltd
32 Pekin Street
#05 – 01


ERCE Australia Pty Ltd
2a/83 Havelock Street,
West Perth WA 6005

+08 9322 2675

ERC Evolution (Canada) Ltd.
Suite 500 – 602
12 Ave SW
AB, T2R 1J3

+1 587 583 6662

ERCE Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Level 18, Equatorial Plaza,
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
Kuala Lumpur. 50250

+603 2615 2733

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