Our North American Experience
About America
ERCE has a long history working on North American assets, particularly in the offshore environment. We have undertaken several projects in the Canadian Grand Banks, Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.
Our work has ranged from successful M&A studies to detailed prospect identification projects to expert submissions for dispute processes.
More recently we have been supporting our North American clients with our Future of Energy and Climate & Sustainability services. In the extractive resource sectors, we have helped clients build GHG Inventories for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
In the financial services sector, we have been conducting GHG Emissions verification work to the ISO 14064-3 standard. In the Future of Energy we have been supporting the Lithium Brine developments.
Case Studies
Contact Us
Contact Us
UK Head Office:
ERC Equipoise Limited
6th Floor Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Croydon CR0 6BA
London U.K.
ERC Equipoise Pte Ltd
32 Pekin Street
#05 – 01
ERCE Australia Pty Ltd
2a/83 Havelock Street,
West Perth WA 6005
ERC Evolution (Canada) Ltd.
Suite 500 – 602
12 Ave SW
AB, T2R 1J3
ERCE Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Level 18, Equatorial Plaza,
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
Kuala Lumpur. 50250