M&A Tracker | Analysis of Global Upstream Deals

ERCE Global Upstream M&A Tracker H1 2023


Zhamal Schoennemann (Head of Economics, ERCE) zschoennemann@erce.energy

Ashwin Haridas (Staff Economist, ERCE), aharidas@erce.energy

Welcome to ERCE’s Global Upstream M&A Tracker

ERCE’s Global Upstream M&A Tracker provides an easy and detailed summary and analysis of global upstream M&A deals, both asset- and corporate-level. This edition covers upstream M&A activity over H1 2023.

Global M&A: At a Glance

ERCE had recorded 57 deals with a total reported deal value of approximately US$42bn in H1/23.

13 deals crossed the US$1bn mark: most of these deals came from the US, except for the Eni’s acquisition of Neptune’s international portfolio for US$2.6bn and Vår Energ’s acquisition of Neptune’s Norwegian assets for US$2.275bn. 

The deal values reported below are based on publicly available information on the time when the deal was announced. These deals include announced deals from the period between 01/01/23 up until 30/06/23.

Read the full report for more analysis and Global Upstream M&A Metrics. 


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Amelia Inkster