GHG Emissions Verification
Waste Management
Waste Management
Annual Revenue
$140 Million
Number of Company Sites
Standards Considered
ISO 14064-3:2019
GHG Protocol
Emissions Considered
Scope 1
Scope 2
Certain Scope 3
Completing an independent verification of annual emissions.
Companies may require independent 3rd party verification of their emissions as part of the checks and controls of the GHG Inventory system.
Cory, a UK based waste management company, required external assurance of their 2021 GHG Inventory.
ERCE was engaged to undertake the verification. We conducted our review to a limited level of assurance, in accordance with the procedures recommended in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Protocol entitled ‘The GHG Protocol: A corporate reporting and accounting standard’ (Revised edition, 30 March 2004) and the UK Government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) and the principles of ISO 14064- 3:2019, entitled ‘Part 3: Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statement'.
ERC Evolution completed the verification and issued a verification certificate, which was referenced in Cory’s annual report.