Glyn Pugh FGS

Glyn Pugh FGS

Head of Geoscience

Glyn Pugh has been with ERCE since its inception and is the Head of Geoscience. Glyn brings extensive experience in the fields of seismic interpretation, velocity modelling, depth conversion and volumetric evaluation. Since joining the industry in 1995, he has worked at Badley Ashton and Lasmo, Equipoise Solutions and ERCE.

Glyn is widely known in the industry for his knowledge of velocity modelling, and lectures on depth conversion at Imperial College London and industry courses. He is well versed in the assessment of structural and reservoir model uncertainty using both multi-deterministic and geostatistical methods honed through exploration, development, audit and equity support/submission/expert roles. Glyn also works with several operators, representing their geophysical interests at partner group meetings through to the international government level.

Glyn holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology and Applied Geology (Geophysics) from the University of Glasgow (also awarded the Joseph Black Medal). He also gained a Master’s Degree in Petroleum Geology from Aberdeen University and is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London.