Dr Tina Lohr

Dr Tina Lohr

Principal Geoscientist

Dr Tina Lohr is a specialist in seismic interpretation, regional basin analysis & structural modelling.  Tina is the head of ERCE’s Structural Geology Group and oversees regional to field-scale projects in structurally complex areas.

Tina has extensive experience across many regions globally: ranging from fractured reservoirs in onshore fold-and thrust belts like Kurdistan and Bolivia, and offshore extensional areas like the Levant Basin, East Africa, southern South America, to salt dominated areas like Iran, North Sea and West Africa. Projects with poor or sparse data are challenges she enjoys engaging with by pulling together data from different sources and understanding the regional tectono-stratigraphy to build an integrated and viable structural model. This includes methods like balanced cross section construction, backstripping and fault seal analysis.

Tina is also an Editorial Board member for the Journal of Petroleum Geoscience, reviewer for numerous international journals, and committee member of the Geological Society’s Energy Group. She provides both inhouse and external courses to teach structural geology topics. Tina has published numerous papers in international journals on the Zagros mountains, Falkland Basin, as well as fractured reservoirs and salt tectonics.