David Wilson

David Wilson


David Wilson retired as a full-time Engineering Director of ERCE in 2014 but continues to have a key role in our Expert work. David is a founder of ERCE. He has over 50 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, and has been involved in all aspects from E&P, to academia, to consulting.

He began his career with Mobil and Shell International, working across Canada, Europe and the Arabian Gulf. He has also been a Reader (Associate Professor) with Imperial College, University of London, and a founder of multiple companies including the original ERC Energy Resource Consultants in 1977, Atlantis Holding AS in 1996, and the restart of ERC Energy Resource Consultants in 2003.

David is one of the world’s foremost specialists in reserve evaluation and was integrally involved in the development of UK reserve reporting standards in the 1980s. As a professional who has worked on assets as an owner at E&P companies, who has evaluated assets as a consultant and taught theoretical and practical aspects of oil and gas recovery as a professor, David has developed technical, oratory and advocacy skills which serve him well during his work as an Expert. He has served as an Expert Witness before the High Courts in the UK as recently as 2014 and previously before such institutions as the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

David is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Metals and Mining. He holds a Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh.