Andy Allison

Andy Allison

Principal Geoscientist

Andy joined ERCE in 2011 and has almost 20 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry. He has been a central part to the velocity modelling, depth conversion and uncertainty analysis group of the company. His experience encompasses standalone depth conversion studies, the volumetric calculation for audit and reserves reporting and as part of integrated field development teams. He also has experience in prospect generation for licence round block evaluation and application and also general block evaluation for acquisition.

Previous experience comprised working on production and engineering issues on a major Iraqi field whilst an independent contractor at BP. Prior to this Andy was responsible for training and advising on the full spectrum of work flows at Seismic Micro Technology. Whilst at Schlumberger he was involved in data management and software support. He gained his initial geosciences training at Scott Pickford where he was involved in data management but also in the creation of regional non-exclusive projects in the North Sea as a Geologist performing wire line interpretation on non-exclusive North Sea Projects.